El concepto de Dios en el Cristianismo

13 Aug


 Alá (azzawajal) dice en el Coran (a lo que se puede traducir al español):

“No hay nada que se Le asemeje.”


Sin embargo, ¿porqué los cristianos dicen que Dios es Jesús o que Dios engendró un hijo?

Los atributos de Dios son distintos a los del ser humano. La única similitud que existe entre los nombres y atributos de Dios y aquellos de los seres humanos son en nombre, pero jamás en grado.

Los atributos de Alá (el nombre árabe para decir Dios) son libres de cualquier deficiencia humana. Como musulmanes, a Alá lo podemos referir sólo como Él se ha descrito en el sagrado Corán o como el Profeta Muhammad (salalahu alaihi wa salaam) lo ha descrito.

Inclusive, los nombres an-Naasir y ar-Rasheed son nombres que no le debemos de dar a Alá (azzawajal), ya que no se encuentran en el noble Corán ni en los auténticos hadices. Sin embargo, estos y otros nombres se encuentran en las listas de los 99 nombres de Alá, pero desafortunadamente, estos hadices no son auténticos.

El estudio de tawjeed o la unicidad de Alá es un estudio fundamental en cualquier musulmán. Te alejará de las innovaciones en la religión y te ayudará a entender mejor quién es Alá, conforme a lo que Él nos ha revelado con sus profetas.

En el estudio del tawjeed al-asmaa was sifaat, o lo que se puede traducir a la unidad de Alá en sus atributos y nombres, debemos de entender lo siguiente: que nos referimos a Alá sólo como son son mencionados en el Corán y los hadices auténticos, pero sin atributos de su Creación.

Sabemos que los cristianos y los judíos creen que Alá pasó 6 días creando el universo y en el 7mo descansó (Génesis 2:2) Es por esto que los cristianos y los judíos se toman el sábado o el domingo como día libre y consideran trabajar en uno de estos días como un pecado.

Este atributo es meramente humano; todos sabemos que nosotros hacemos trabajo pesado y debemos de descansar para recuperarnos. Decir que Alá se cansa como su creación es atribuyéndole una acción solamente de su Creación y no digna para su Majestad.

Además, en la Biblia y la Torá, Dios se arrepiente de sus malos pensamientos en la forma como lo hacen los humanos cuando nos damos cuenta de nuestros errores. “Entonces el Señor se arrepintió del mal que dijo que había de hacer a su pueblo.” (Éxodos 32:14)

Además de esto, los cristianos han pintado, moldeado y creado figuras innumerables con apariencia humana y las han llamado “imágenes de Dios.”


Si pueden atribuir características y acciones meramente humanas a Dios, no es de ningún asombro que los cristianos aceptan a Jesús (paz y bendiciones) como Dios, o que Dios haga un acto animal de “engendrar” un hijo, cosa que solo se hace en la Creación.

Una vez que las grandes multitudes acepten el concepto de Dios siendo como su Creación y teniendo una figura humana, no es de ningún problema para ellos aceptar a Jesús como Dios.

Es más, me encuentro casi segura que lo hacen sin darse cuenta. Primero, por experiencia propia. Mis días como cristiana fueron una gran mentira en la que me introdujeron sin derecho a preguntar ni cuestionar las creencias que ni en la misma Biblia se mencionan. Por ejemplo, la trinidad nunca es mencionada en la Biblia, ni lo es el signo de una cruz. Nunca Jesús utilizó una cruz sobre su cuello ni le dijo a sus seguidores que lo hicieran.

Hoy escuché un comentario y la mujer le decía a mi mamá: “Recuerde a Dios siempre, y repita: Jesús, Jesús, Jesús…” Yo me preguntaba, ¿Jesús o Dios? Y me recordé que los cristianos creen que los dos extrañamente pueden ser uno. Que el Creador puede ser la Creación. Que lo infinito puede ser lo finito. Que el ignorante (ya que vienen varias partes en la Biblia donde Jesús no conocía de algo) puede ser el Conocedor del Universo.

Ilógico, pero lamentablemente es una falsedad en la viven los cristianos.

Nosotros como seres finitos no estamos en ninguna posición para definir al infinito Señor de todas las creaciones.

Puede parecer un punto muy relevante o simple, pero se debe de definir y mantener firme para prevenir cualquier descripción falsa a Alá (el nombre  árabe para Dios y el que utiliza Alá para si mismo en el Corán).

Si buscas conocer sobre la verdad, no hace falta asistir a una mezquita o hablar con un musulmán o musulmana para conocerlo. Simplemente leyendo el Corán encontrarás tus respuestas.

Yo sé que yo las encontré, después de tantos años de confusión y de ignorancia. Alá es el más Misericordioso, el más Beneficioso: ar-Rahman, nir Raheem y nunca es tarde para conocer el mensaje de Él, el cual vino con cada profeta y mensajero de Dios; con Abraham, con Noé, con Moisés, con Jesús, con Muhammad (paz y bendiciones estén sobre todos ellos) y muchos más.

Insha’Allah te haya beneficiado. Que Alá (azzawajal) nos tengan siempre en el mejor estado de fé (imaan), de salud, que siempre le agradezcamos todas sus bendiciones, que lo alabemos solo a Él, el único digno de adoración, y que nos abra el corazón y nos ilumine con el Corán. Ameen.


Beneficial Reminder from someone insha’Allah in Jannah now…

8 Aug

This brother passed away yesterday.. He was stabbed, and his last words were “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar” and taking his shahada.. It makes me so devastated to see someone this pure and with such a good, clean heart leave this worldly life; but at the same time it makes me feel in peace to know that Allah helped us benefit from him.

This is a video of his, along with the story of how he died. SubhanAllah… And we still argue over the silliest things, yet we fail to make Salat on time and to stay away from haram.. May Allah make us of those that rest in Jannah, and may Allah take us from this dunya in the healthiest of spiritual iman. Ameen.




La verdadera belleza de una mujer

29 Jul

As-salam alaikum (la paz esté contigo). Una de las preguntas más comunes que se hacen las mujeres no musulmanas es, ¿por qué deben las mujeres musulmanas cubrir su cuerpo y cabello? Si vivimos en un mundo “civilizado” y modernizado, donde cualquier mujer puede andar por las calles como se le antoje, ¿por qué entonces es necesario vestir modestamente?

Vivimos en un mundo donde la imagen física de la mujer vale más que su inteligencia y forma de ser. Para una mujer latina, su cuerpo, su forma de vestir y su atracción naturalmente hermosa es de más importancia que cualquier otra cosa.

Desde niñas somos enseñadas a ser coquetas, a vestirnos decentemente, es decir, no salir de la casa sin antes peinarnos y andar ropa coqueta y femenina, y luego en nuestra juventud somos reforzadas a atraer al sexo opuesto con ropa provocativa. Sin embargo, es importante dejar claro que esto es parte de nuestra cultura. Para muchos países la cultura latina no es de gran prestigio debido a la forma en que somos representados por las novelas, películas y en las noticias, sin embargo, la belleza exterior es una parte normal y común en las familias latinas y ha llegado hasta no verse incorrecto que una mujer se vista (o en realidad se desvista) de esta forma.

La cultura occidental es considerada muy “liberal.” Pero yo les hago la siguiente pregunta: ¿Somos libres realmente como mujeres en esta cultura?

En la cultura “civilizada” de hoy en día, cada mujer es “objetizada,” es decir, se utiliza su cuerpo para vender desde carros hasta mangueras jardineras (no se burlen, ya que lo he visto anunciado en televisión). Es común ver en las revistas y anuncios por las calles partes del cuerpo de una mujer para vender productos; unos labios para vender licores, los ojos para vender maquillaje,  la parte trasera para vender jeans o pantalones ajustados, etc.

Una mujer cristiana puede ir a misa son vestidos cortos, pantalones ajustados, blusas que se deje al expuesto sus pechos y curvas, y tacones altos y llamativos, sin ser rechazada por la sociedad ni vista como vulgar o provocativa. Aunque así no sea el caso en otros países o regiones más conservadores, esto es muy común en Costa Rica y si vas con ropa modesta es considerada una monja o desarreglada.

Para la mujer musulmana, nuestro cuerpo no es algo que queremos lucirle al resto del mundo. No necesitamos llamar la atención del sexo opuesto o de las demás mujeres de esta forma para sentirnos aceptadas o bonitas. Sabemos que la belleza no está en nuestro cuerpo, cara o cabello. Sabemos que tarde o temprano, todo esto desvanecerá con el tiempo; se nos cae el pelo, se nos hace arrugas y aumentos o bajamos de peso.

Cuando atraes a un hombre con su físico, él no te respetará si eres inteligente o no, si eres amable o no, o si lo respetará a él en el futuro. Simplemente le interesa su cuerpo, sus curvas y si dejas tu belleza femenina al expuesto, le estarás dando la iniciativa de que para usted es permisible que te vean como un objeto sexual meramente.

Yo, como mujer musulmana y representante del Islam en mi país, al igual que las demás mujeres musulmanas en mi país con dignidad, respeto a sí mismas, y orgullo, te diremos qué es la verdadera belleza de una mujer.

No necesito cambiar el tono de mi piel para que otros me admiren. No necesito modificar el contorno de mis ojos, ni el color de mi cabello, ni la altura que tengo para sentirme bonita, cuando sabemos que todas estas modificaciones son falsas y temporales. Somos felices de ser como Alá (exaltado sea su Majestad) nos trajo al mundo; somos una creación perfecta en Sus Ojos, una admiración sin defectos para Él (exaltado y glorificado sea Él).

No necesito lucir mi silueta al público para sentirme atractiva, ni andar con vestimentas caras y llamativas cuando sabemos como mujeres musulmanas, que millones de niños y mujeres como nosotras se mueren de hambre porque no tienen ni siquiera boronas de pan en sus mesas.

La atracción y belleza verdadera la llevamos dentro de nuestro ser; somos dignas de ser admiradas y dignas de ser tomadas como ejemplo para las demás mujeres. Somos las que cualquier niño desearía como madre, y las que cualquier hombre con piedad y temor a Alá desearía como esposa, con respeto hacía nosotros mismas y orgullo de cubrir la belleza que Alá (exaltado sea su Majestad) nos ha dado.

Les daré un ejemplo muy sencillo y simple. La perla es conservada en su concha, sin ser expuesta a los demás. A pesar de que nadie puede verla, no quiere decir que su belleza y valor no se disminuya. Es más, por estar conservadas y no expuestas a los demás, su valor sube y es de mayor admiración.

¿Andarías por tu casa luciendo su dinero, oro y cosas de valor a los demás? Por supuesto que no. Sabemos que las cosas de valor son guardadas en un depósito donde no todos lo vean. Esto es porque son cosas de mucho valor para nosotros, y lo cuidamos como merece.

Una mujer musulmana es mucho más valiosa, y digna de ser cuidada como tal. Somos más valiosas que el dinero o el oro o los diamantes, o una perla. Nos damos el respeto y puesto que merecemos, uno de prestigio y de honor.

Inclusive ni necesitamos luchar por nuestros derechos femeninos, ya que se nos fueron otorgados hace más de 1400 años, con la revelación del Sagrado Corán.

Las verdaderas víctimas de opresión y explotación femenina son las no musulmanas, que son constantemente molestadas por su apariencia sexual. ¿Por qué creen que se vende tantos productos para adelgazar, hayan tantas operaciones de aumento de busto, liposucción, y otras operaciones meramente físicas en los países occidentes? ¿Por qué creen que los salones de belleza pasan llenos todos los días?

Hay tanta atención para nuestra apariencia física, pero tanta negligencia hacia lo que realmente importa, lo que llevamos por dentro. ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez si te llevarías todo esto contigo cuando mueras? Por supuesto que la respuesta es no.

En el Islam, la mujer tiene los mismos derechos que el hombre. No somos oprimidas como dicen falsamente en las noticias y en muchos países occidentales. La falta de conocimiento y el impedimento a educarse son factores de esta ignorancia en muchas personas.

¿Quién nos puede decir que somos oprimidas simplemente por querer cubrir nuestro cuerpo y protegernos, cuando tenemos un capítulo entero en el Sagrado Corán dedicado a las mujeres (Sura o capítulo 4, “Las mujeres”)? Además, se le tiene un Sura entero a la Virgen María, el número 19. Si fuéramos tan oprimidas como las noticias y prensa quieren que nos veamos, no tendríamos ni voz ni derechos.

Sin embargo, con la revelación del Noble Corán, fue la primera vez que se les daba derechos a las mujeres y siguen siendo derechos por los cuales mujeres de nuestra sociedad “modernizada” y “civilizada” han tratado de luchar para adquirirlos y no logran ganar sus derechos; siguen siendo vistas como una atracción sexual carente de inteligencia.

Por esto y muchos motivos más, debemos sentirnos orgullosas de ser mujeres musulmanas, que nos respetamos y somos respetadas por los demás. Yo elijo quién me mira con deseos sexuales – y este debería ser solamente nuestros esposos – y quien no me ve de esta forma. Camino libremente por las calles porque sé que no necesito quedarle bien a nadie, ni que me juzgan por mi físico. Me enfoco en lo que realmente es la belleza de una mujer, mi taqwaa (piedad o temor en Alá), mi forma de ser, mi espiritualidad, y en beneficiar a los demás con mis actitudes y carácter.

Di, ¡Alhamdulillah que soy una mujer libre de estas ataduras mundanas, que soy libre de cualquier deseo de este mundo, y que cada día le agradezco a Alá por ser como soy! Lo único que quiero modificar y cambiar es mi relación con Alá (glorificado y exaltado sea su Majestad), en acercarme a Él ya que es el Único digno de mi adoración, y en beneficiar a las demás mujeres el gran regalo que tenemos, de ser mujeres musulmanas libres de estas cosas materiales que no nos dan nada a cambio!

Insha’Allah (si Alá lo permite) esto te haya beneficiado, ya seas musulmana, o una mujer con creencia en Alá (exaltado sea su Majestad). A mí el Islam me libró y me ha hecho la mujer que siempre quise ser, una mujer digna de respeto, con humildad, paciencia, sabiduría y taqwaa (temor a Alá); y sé que estas y muchas más cualidades seguirán creciendo en mí, tal como lo deseo para mis hermanas en Costa Rica y demás países leyendo esto, ¡insha’Allah!

Y Alá sabe mejor.


Fasting Week Two Thoughts

21 Jul

As-salam alaikum. About two weeks ago the entire Muslim ummah began our fasting. SubhanAllah, it’s been great and I’ve been able to pass through the days and take full advantage of them.

One of the things that concerned me the most wasn’t the fasting, but how I would manage my time in regards to reading the Qur’an, reading other Islamic books and reciting and trying to memorize parts of the Qur’an.

Surprisingly it’s gone quite well and I’ve succeeded so far in reading one juz of the Qur’an daily as well and having plenty of time for other things. What I like to do is read some Qur’an before or after my prayers, so that way I can have more dhikr or remembrance in Allah throughout the day.

Since I’m the only Muslim in my household, I was worried if I would be able to wake up every morning for suhoor. I wasn’t much of a morning person before reverting and even as a Muslim we all struggle to wake up for fajr. But Alhamdulillah I have woken up every morning on time, and have been able to have my suhoor or breakfast every day.

A week ago my father came to visit us. My parents are divorced and he lives about 4 hours away, so he always tries to visit us every 2 weeks. I was really hoping he would have come the Sunday before Ramadan began, but he ended up coming right in the middle of it all. I wasn’t concerned about having to fast and going with them to eat, but how was I going to tell him I was fasting? He doesn’t even know I’m Muslim, and quite frankly I’m not prepared to tell him it all just yet. My relationship with my father isn’t the best and since we barely see him, I don’t like to share much with him.

The smells were tantalizing. We decided to go to a mall in San José and I do have to admit my mouth was watering the whole time. However, after a while I got used to it and even forgot about the hunger. He was really worried why I wasn’t eating; he offered me everything there was, from chicken to chili to ice cream to even some mangos at a food stand there.

Finally, I told him in front of my brother, who didn’t know I was fasting, either. You see, I’m not going to go around telling everyone that I am. It’s something very personal and we fast to get closer to Allah, to control our bodily desires and to remember the poor and needy. It’s not to tell the entire world that you are fasting. Besides, they won’t understand, especially if they’re Christian. I did have to tell my mother as I knew she would get worried seeing me not eat all day (especially since I love to cook and make really delicious meals at lunchtime hehe).

So there I was, trying to explain to my father I was fasting.

Nobody really fasts here. There’s this so-called “fasting” during lent in Catholic religion where you abstain from meat for one entire day. Oh, and you can eat fish if you want instead. So, it’s not fasting for me. It’s just a day where you decide to be a vegetarian, but then decide not to and have fish instead.

So I was really worried what he would think. Would he think I was crazy? Or would he scold me and start blaming my mom about all this? I mean I’m 21 but he still doesn’t see me like an adult. But Alhamdulillah he took it quite well and even made a joke about it, how fasting was only for healthy people since he is a diabetic and wouldn’t be able to fast for too long.

Once I got home my mom asked right away what he said. I guess she has this idea in her mind that he would get angry at me or something. I didn’t mention to her that I hadn’t told him I was Muslim. I mean I did say quite clearly “in Islam…” but I don’t know if he associated that with his daughter being a Muslim or not. He didn’t ask any questions, so I didn’t bother to explain to him my personal decisions.

So Alhamdulillah Allah has truly been listening to my du’aas. Of course He always have, but I had taken it all for granted until past experiences that have shown me the mercy of Allah. We are truly blessed to be Muslim, if only others could realize this.

The rest of my fasting has gone quite well. Please share your own personal experiences on the comment section if you’d like.

Strangely, I really don’t get hungry when maghrib comes. I know it’s strange, as everyone is gorging themselves with food, but I don’t know why I don’t get hungry. Maybe it has to do with the fact that maghrib here is at 6:00 p.m. and everywhere else it’s around 8:00 or 9:00. But honestly I don’t feel hungry even at that time. Do you get really hungry when maghrib comes? Let me know if it’s not just me that this happens to.

One night a cousin came, so I broke my fast with some water and started to prepare some food afterwards. We ended up having dinner around 8:30 p.m. and I really wasn’t feeling like extremely hungry. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I have my mind on other things and not so concerned about the hunger.

May Allah reward you this Ramadan and bless us and protect us from the evils of Shaytaan. May Allah accept our fasting and our salat, and insha’Allah may He reward us Jannah. Ameen.



Juz 11 commentary on Qur’anic Gems

19 Jul

Jumm’ah Mubarak everyone.
Never should we feel disappointed by all the insults out there on Islam, because the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never let this distract him from his true message: to spread Islam.

There is no such thing as true love… Or is there?

15 Jul

This is directed to those people that happen to love a person more than they love Allah. If you are one of them, then listen up.

Love is not the fairy tale it seems to be. Neither is it forever. To be more realistic, nothing in this life is forever. We all die. We all retire our jobs. We all grow old and lose our young attractions. There is nothing that speaks stronger in this life than death. Because some can lose their jobs and others won’t, but as Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) says in the Qur’an:

Every soul will taste death. (Qur’an, 3:185)

So why are we so attached to these worldly desires? It is clear proof that we will all perish, pass away, and new generations will substitute our position in this life.

People will hurt you, even when you least expect it.

They will forget about you.


Their love is limited.

Whether it be your spouse, your parents, or anyone you had a strong connection with, in the end it is a temporary love or one that will eventually hurt you.

You will get your heart broken, they will lose trust in you, and the word “forgiveness” doesn’t even exist in their hearts.


Unlike human beings, who are full of errors and mistakes, Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) is the only one that will love us even more than our own mothers do.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us:

Allah is more compassionate towards His slaves than this mother towards her child. (Reported by Muslim)

Allah will never hurt you. Allah will love you even when you are committing sin. And do you know what the most wonderful part of it is? That Allah CAN forgive us. Unlike those people that we love, if we commit mistakes they cannot forgive us for them. Allah’s mercy is bigger, greater and more important to have than any finite human being like ourselves.

Say: O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur’an, 39:53)

It is also narrated in this hadith qudsi (meaning that it is an interpretation of what Allah says):

O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it.


Allah is the MOST forgiving. This forgiveness is the only one we should seek. Because He is the only one that will judge us on the day of judgement. Let’s make du’aa for this:

Ya Rabb, make us of the pious, of the believers, whom associate none with you, whom have taqwaa deep in their hearts, whom actions are directed towards you and towards you only! Ya Rabb, we seek your forgiveness, and we ask nothing in return, only of what you shall bestow upon us. Ameen!


Allah will never hurt us.

Allah will never try to look for revenge.

Allah loves us and is closer to us than our jugular vein. Even after He, the All Mighty, created us with errors, He has mercy upon us and waits for our true and sincere forgiveness.

Now tell me, who in this world is like that?

Who, from the people you love, has these qualities? No one. Because Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) is incomparable.

This is why we shouldn’t love people more than we love Allah. Because His love is the only pure, merciful and beneficent love we need in our lives.

Sufficient for us is Allah. (Qur’an, 3:173)

Allah will never forget us.

Unlike people, Allah will remember us if we remember Him. Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) says in the Qur’an:

So remember Me; I will remember you. (Qur’an, 2:152)

Allah’s love is limitless.

His love for us has no boundaries. For humans, if we commit a mistake, they forget us, they say mean things to us and forget about the love and connection you once had with them.

For Allah, this is not the same. Even after we have fallen in sin, even if our sins are thicker than the foam of the sea, if we ask for his sincere forgiveness, Allah will forgive us. Insha’Allah.

Take my story as an example. Before becoming Muslim, I was in the worst of sins. If I would have died in this state, I would have gone to hell because of it. Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) says to us in the Qur’an:

Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. (Qur’an, 4:48)

Also, Allah says to us:

O my son, do not associate [anything] with Allah . Indeed, association [with him] is great injustice. (Qur’an, 31:13)

If Allah wished, He could have made me die in that state of shirk (associating others with Allah). Because He ta’aala has proven to us many times how hundreds of people die in the state of shirk every single day. In my country it is hundreds each day! May Allah protect us from those that do.

But Allah is so merciful, He has chosen us to be Muslims, from this darkness that we are in. Even after we have committed the worse sin there is for Allah, He still forgives us and gives us time to repent!

Where will you find someone like this in this dunya (world)?

People are greedy, selfish, stubborn and egotistic. Their only desire is to please themselves. There is no true love for many people, and it is only until you get hurt by them that you realize what their true intentions really were.

It is hard for us to forgive others. There are those that never accept forgiveness from you, no matter how true and pure your repentance is.

But for Allah we can commit sin as many times, that if we truly repent from our hearts, He will forgive us. Subhanallah, all Glory be to Allah!

Let us take advantage of this Ramadan to seek forgiveness from our Rabb, our Lord. This is the month to ask for sincere forgiveness to Allah, so do not take it lightly!

When you are sad, stressed out, or in depression, read Qur’an and you will see how peace will enter your heart by remembering Allah.

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (Qur’an 13:28)

And Allah knows best.


Fasting Day Two thoughts

10 Jul

Happy Ramadan to all! I myself started fasting yesterday, so today’s fasting quite surprisingly has felt a bit more difficult. Maybe due to the fact that my cousins from the states came over yesterday and spending all afternoon with them made me forget about the hunger and thirst.

It was only during that last hour before breaking my fast that I got a bit light headed and really started to feel the effects of not eating.

What really bothered me the first day were the headaches during the afternoon. I’ve read that’s due to dehydration, so today I drank two cups of water instead of just one to ensure that I don’t get them that badly today. Insha’Allah.

Needless to mention, my mother wasn’t very supportive about this yesterday. I was helping her cook last night, and it was only about 10 minutes till I could break my fast that she had to ruin it all for me. I was telling her what a sacrifice it is to fast and all the reward you get from it.

Her reply, you may ask? “I don’t find the logic in it. For me it’s useless.”

Way to go mother. Way to kill all my happiness for ikftar. Seriously, couldn’t you have saved that answer until after I had eaten?

I felt so sad, like a huge knot in my throat, after seeing her reaction. She has never fasted a day in her life, how can she ever know what it’s like to fast and all the hunger pains you go through?

Even when I told her that she didn’t know what it’s like to fast, she answered the contrary and said, “Oh, I have.”

Yes, let’s think for a moment you have, I thought to myself, but not for this many hours a day. And especially not for the sake of Allah. Maybe you’ve done if for a doctor’s appointment, or to lose weight, but I knew she has never done it for God. She even said to me how silly it is to fast for God.

I broke my fast with some water, ate enough to get me a bit full, and left to pray Maghrib. Alhamdulillah I didn’t say anything to her, even though the tears were inevitable. Her attitude towards me is pretty hard to deal with to be honest, but I know she speaks out of her ignorance towards Islam.

Paradise lies at the feet of your mother. No matter what your mother may say, what insult she may throw at you, or what nasty comment is directed to you, just keep your cool and remain silent. You don’t want to end up fighting with her over something only you can truly feel inside.

Well enough about that.

What I really wanted to concentrate on is the mental part. Instead of making it a fasting focused on the hunger (and all the whining you do internally), I’ve organized my time on spending as much of it on the Qur’an.

Seeing all these posts about the physical part of Ramadan, which is abstaining from food and drink and sexual intercourse during the daylight hours, I’ve felt there isn’t enough emphasis on our own selves about the main purpose of Ramadan.

Today I’m on the 3rd juz (section) of the Qur’an. I started reading the Qur’an on Monday, began my fasting Tuesday, and now I’m on the third part as planned Alhamdulillah.

Yesterday’s part was very intriguing. It talked about fasting and what is prescribed for us.

This morning, right after fajr I sat down and read about 8 pages of the first juz. The ayat that I liked was Ayat ul Kursi. The message behind it is incredible;  it is the basic understanding of who is Allah and where is Allah. I’m no scholar on this, but if you’d like to find a tasfeer on this ayat please do, as it is very important to understand what we are saying as we recite.


Also, there is a tasfeer on Surah al Mulk on SistersOfSunnah.org today at 2:00 p.m. Costa Rican time (4:00 p.m. EST) if you’d like to join.

May this Ramadan be an opportunity for you to ask Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) for forgiveness and seek his refuge from Shaytaan.


What are your goals for this Ramadan?

9 Jul


Ramadan Mubarak to all! As opposed to what the masjid here has confirmed of Ramadan beginning tomorrow, it has been approved by numerous organizations here in the American Continent and other parts of the world that the moon sighting was last night and that Ramadan has officially started on our side of the world. Subhanallah!

I really pray to Allah that we can take the most out of this Ramadan, whether you were raised a Muslim, or have reverted to Islam, Ramadan is still the same sacred and holy month worldwide. I think that many reverts learn to really appreciate this month because we know what it’s like to not be Muslim, and to not worship Allah (subhana wa ta’aala) often. As a Christian, I used to skip attending church on Sunday just out of laziness because I knew there wasn’t any bad outcome of it if I didn’t go. As opposed to this belief, Muslim men are obliged to attend Jummah prayer at the masjid because of the great reward there is behind it.

We all should learn to not take for granted Ramadan. Sometimes we want to do so much that we can’t really stick to our goals. As a means to facilitate this for you, I’ve decided to write down the three main goals you should stick to during this Ramadan.

Of course we must remember that we have to accomplish our obligatory actions, which is salat (prayer) and sawm (fasting).

But why should we keep these goals for Ramadan? Why shouldn’t we just lay on the couch all day watching TV or playing video games? Why should we keep goals if I’m fasting anyways?

We must learn to not be like the hypocrites, that are a certain way with certain people, and then are different when they are alone and no one is watching. Also, we must remember what is said in the Qur’an:

Whoever brings a good deed shall have ten times the like thereof to his credit, and whoever brings an evil deed shall have only the recompense of the like thereof, and they will not be wronged [al-An’aam 6:160].

So if our good deeds are multiplied by ten during any time of the year, imagine the reward we will get out of them if we accomplish good deeds in Ramadan! Subhanallah. This verse is also a sign of mercy from Allah (swt), as he does not multiply our evil deeds, but does so only with our good deeds.

  • Goal # 1: Read the entire Qur’an


The first and foremost goal we should all set for ourselves this Ramadan is to read the Qur’an. As I mentioned in my previous article, Ramadan is not about fasting, but instead it’s about the Qur’an. If we keep it a habit to read the Qur’an during Ramadan, we will seek the guidance of the Qur’an after this month as well.

Reading the entire Qur’an during Ramadan is also Sunnah. The sahaabah (followers of the Prophet salalahu alayhi wa salaam) would read the Qur’an a great deal during Ramadan. For example, some would even complete the Qur’an every seven nights, and during Ramadan every three nights, and then every two nights during the last ten days of Ramadan.

So if they could complete the Qur’an in this time period, why can’t we complete one reading of the Qur’an in an entire month?

There is great benefit in the reading of the Qur’an. At-Tirmithee states:

Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten.

Also, the Qur’an will intercede for us on the Day of Judgement. The Prophet (saws) said:

The Qur’an is an intercessor, something given permission to intercede, and it is rightfully believed in. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.” [An authentic hadith found in At-Tabaraanee, on the authority of ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood]

There are many more benefits on reading the Qur’an. The reasons to read it this Ramadan are more than enough.

  • Goal # 2: Memorize an entire Surah


I had mentioned this on my previous article, and it is a goal I plan to accomplish. A great way to help you stick to it is by finding yourself a friend that can help you achieve this challenge.

One way I learn things by memory is by reciting it about 8 or more times until I can finally recite it without having to look at it. I gues this is because I have photographic memory and everything I see I will remember. If you are someone that learns faster by hearing it, then playing it on your iPod or phone as many times as possible will help you memorize it.

Start by learning one ayat per day. As you advance throughout the month, remember to always recite the previous ayats as to not forget them.

  • Goal # 3: Read a book of beneficial knowledge this Ramadan


My final goal is to read a book that will help me be a better Muslim. A good book can be 40 Hadiths on the Islamic Personality by Shaykh ‘Alee Hasan ‘Alee ‘Abdul Hameed. If you read one hadith every day, reflect on it, and think about how you can practice this in your daily life, the benefits of it will be more than beneficial for you.

Again, I recommend you find someone that you can share this with you. Whether it be your husband, a sister or a family member that can help you, you will both be getting the rewards out of it and benefiting one another insha’Allah.


I know the list is rather short, but it is better to stick to short, simple goals than to create a huge list of things that you won’t be able to achieve and end up feeling bad with yourself. The following hadith also explains the virtues of doing something consistently.

Indeed, the Mother of the Believers `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that “the most beloved action to Allah’s Apostle was that which is done continuously and regularly” (Sahih Bukhari, Book #76, Hadith #469).

Insha’Allah this was beneficial for you. If you have any other goals please add them to the list on the comment section and share with other your goals for this Ramadan.

May Allah bless us this Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak!


Final Tips for Ramadan…

9 Jul

As-salaam alaikum everyone.

So the month of Ramadan has finally come – Alhamdulillah! – and insha’Allah you are more than prepared to take on this wonderful opportunity of mercy, forgiveness, and love from Allah (subhana wa ta’aala).

It seems like we were all expecting the month to begin tomorrow, July 9th, but as the moon was not sighted in Saudi Arabia, they have informed us that it will begin on Wednesday. In other words, Ramadan shall begin tomorrow night, with the first taraweeh prayers and the fasting will initiate on Wednesday insha’Allah. This has been confirmed in Costa Rica, so I’m not sure what the situation may be in your country.

Just a few tips to keep us motivated before we begin our fasting, and that insha’Allah we can take advantage of all the blessings given during Ramadan.

  • Don’t think about the fact that you’re hungry all the time.

I put this one up first because I know that many people will be thinking more on what’s not inside their belly than on more important matters. Not only will this make us waste valuable and precious time thinking and whining about our own selves than on the Qur’an, but also it will feed your ego. When you’re constantly thinking I am hungry, I am thirsty, I am sleepy, I, I, I… your unconsciously feeding your ego and distancing yourself from Allah (subhana wa ta’aala).

Remember the 800 million people on the face of this planet that don’t even have clean, fresh water, that can’t even have a bite to eat sometimes even during the whole day. When you are fasting, remember to make du’a for those that need it the most; for the hungry, the poor, the sick and those more in need of Allah’s mercy than us.

At least you’ll be able to eat something tonight, what about those millions that can’t? Take advantage of this sacred month and make du’a.

  • Divide the Qur’an up during the day instead of reading it in one sitting.

It’s easier to jog a mile every morning than to wake up one day and jog 10 miles. Not only will it be exhausting to read one juz or section of the Qur’an after a long day, but also you won’t be able to reflect on it sufficiently. If you divide the reading of the Qur’an during the day, you will be able to reflect more on what you read, think more about it and act upon the teachings of the Qur’an. Divide it up in a way that you read approximately 5 pages before salat, and 5 pages after each salat. That way you will be able to finish the entire Qur’an throughout the day, and reading 5 pages of Qur’an isn’t a whole lot.

If you work or are busy with your studies, then read some before starting your day (so that you can act upon it and reflect), during lunch break, and some more after work or school. Finally, save a good chunk of the juz for the night, when you’re relaxed and calm with your thoughts.

  • Make a goal to learn one new surah this Ramadan.

Whether it be big or small, the important thing is that you memorize it, know what you’re saying and stick to your task. Remember that the Prophet (salalahu alayhi wa’salaam) says that Allah (aza wajal) loves those that do something, no matter how small it may be, but are consistent on it. A sister and I have decided to memorize Surah Al Mulk, which is composed of 30 ayats, one for each day of Ramadan. If you’d like to join the challenge with us you are more than welcomed to, and if you can find a friend to take the task with you, that would be even better so that you can help each other out insha’Allah.

  • Remember why you are fasting.

Are you fasting to lose a few extra pounds on you? To quit your smoking habit or chill more on the amount of coffee you drink? Because everyone else is doing it and you don’t want to feel left out? If your reason for fasting is everything BUT to please Allah (swt), then your intentions are all upside down. Remember why Allah prescribed fasting for us, remember those that have no food on their plates, remember that Ramadan is a month in which we come closer to Allah and not distance ourselves from our Rabb, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, of our Sustainer, of our Lord. When you know exactly why you are fasting and have the good intention to, everything else will be easy for you insha’Allah.

  • Ramadan is not about fasting, it is about the Qur’an.

There are those that cannot fast, such as the sick, the poor, women that are pregnant or breastfeeding, etc. However, are these people exempt from the mercy and forgiveness of Allah during this month? Of course they aren’t. Even if we are fasting and have the health and possibilities to, Ramadan is not just a month of fasting. It was the month in which the Qur’an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saws), and we must learn to make this month about the Qur’an and not about the fasting prescribed in it. Of course it is a huge factor that is part of the month, but truly the treasure in this month is the Qur’an itself and we must learn to meditate, study and actually sit down and read the Qur’an!

Ramadan Mubarak copy

So those were my simple yet informative tips for you before Ramadan begins. Insha’Allah you will benefit from them.

Just a heads up, this Ramadan since it is my first (Subhanallah for new reverts!), I’ve decided to share my experiences and stories along my Ramadan this year through here. It’s very important to keep a journal if you are new to fasting so that you can help yourself through the month. I encourage each and every one of you to keep a journal for Ramadan, to write in it and to save this so that you can look back at it throughout the years and remember your first, second, or any numbered Ramadan. 🙂

May Allah grant you guidance, wisdom and knowledge this Ramadan and the many months to come. May Allah (aza wajal) strengthen your emaan and bless your families, friends, and loved ones this Ramadan insha’Allah. Ameen.



The Story of Great Repentance

6 Jul